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State of the Union Odds: Will Trump Speech Go Over 82.5 Minutes?

Robert Duff

by Robert Duff in Politics News

Updated Apr 14, 2020 · 9:31 AM PDT

Donald Trump making speech
Sportsbooks have set the total length of US President Donald Trump's State of the Union address at 82.5 minutes. Photo by Sgt. Amber Smith (US Central Command).
  • One sportsbook has established several props around US President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday (Feb. 4)
  • The sportsbook has set the total for length of the SOTU speech at 82.5 minutes
  • Total non-facts uttered by Trump during the SOTU at an astounding 27.5

The State of the Union address is set for Tuesday night (Feb. 4th) and, if America has learned anything about President Donald Trump over his term in the Oval Office, it’s that he’s a sore winner.

His acquittal by the Senate from his impeachment trial to arrive on Wednesday, the Donald will be in full gloat as he addresses the nation.

One sportsbook has established several props on Trump’s State of the Union speech. What will the length of Trump’s speech be? How many non-facts will he speak during that time? The tables below set out all the props and odds.

Over/Unders on the State of the Union Speech

Prop Total Over Odds Under Odds
Length of State of the Union Address 82.5 minutes -120 -120
Total Non-Facts Stated by President Trump 27.5 -120 -120
Total Viewers of SOTU Address 47 million -140 +100
Trump Approval Rating on 2/5/2020  0.3 percent -140 +100
Number of Times Trump Says Iran 4.5 -120 -120
Number of Times Trump Says China 6.5 -120 -120
Number of Times Trump Says Democrat 3.5 -120 -120
Number of Times Trump Says Economy 4.5 -150 +110

All odds herein as of Feb. 3 

It’s The Economy, Stupid

Whenever Presidential election experts are consulted about the keys to an incumbent winning re-election, the #1 factor they point to is a strong economy.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the US economy entered 2020 on a strong note. There was 21-percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Trump plays the economy as his …. um …. trump card. He’ll hammer away at these numbers.

Pick: Over 4.5 (-150)

State of Alternative Facts

Trump has built his brand around selling the sizzle as opposed to the steak. It hasn’t always worked – especially that time when he tried to sell steaks – but it seems to play well with a percentage of American people.

They say if you tell a lie often and forcefully enough, it will eventually be believed as fact.

Trump’s success offers living proof of that analogy.

Pick: Over 27.5 non-facts (-120)

How Long Will He Go?

Trump’s favorite topic is himself. He’s just beaten the Democrats again when they thought the had the goods on him in his impeachment trial. He’s been given carte blanche to do what he wants by the Republican-controlled Senate.

Teflon Don has never felt more bulletproof. He’s going to do a lot of boasting.

This could take awhile.

Pick: Over 82.5 minutes (-120)

Odds Trump’s State of the Union Mentions …

Prop Yes Odds No Odds
Trump to Refer to Speaker Pelosi as “Nervous Nancy” or “Crazy Nancy” +550 -1000
Will Trump Say Kim Jong-Un? +110 -150
Will Trump Say Putin? +600 -1500
Will Trump Mention Super Bowl? +600 -1500

He’ll Not Say Kansas Anymore

Trump’s error in congratulating the state of Kansas on Twitter for Sunday’s Super Bowl win by the Kansas City Chiefs was quickly corrected to note thar the Chiefs are situated in Missouri.

But thanks to screen shots, it won’t be soon forgotten.

He’s not going to bring up the Super Bowl again just so everyone can once more point out the error of his ways.

Pick: No (-1500)

Vladimir Who?

The connections between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump and the impact this had on the 2016 election aren’t going away. Trump will do what he does best when confronted by relationships with shady, suspicious characters. He’ll feign ignorance.

Putin? He hardly knows the guy.

Pick: No (-1500)

Designated Survivor Odds

Person Odds
Ben Carson +500
Betsy DeVos +550
Alex Alzar +600
Wilbur Ross +600
Dan Brouillette +900
Robert Wilike +900
Chad Wolf +1000
Eugene Scalia +1000
Chuck Grassley +1200
Dave Bernhardt +1200
Sonny Perdue +1500
Steve Mnuchin +1500
William Barr +1500
Mark Esper +1800
Mike Pompeo +2000
Mike Pence +2500
Nancy Pelosi +2500

At each Presidential address, one person – generally a member of the Cabinet – is the Designated Survivor. They are sequestered in a safe place, and would take over the Presidency in the event of a major tragedy.


At least year’s SOTU, it was former Secretary of Energy Rick Perry.  Sonny Perdue filled the role in 2018.

Based on their qualifications to be President, Ben Carson, head of HUD, makes perfect sense this year.

Pick: Ben Carson (+500)

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