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Odds Say Congress Won’t Legally Obtain Any Trump Tax Return, No One Will Be Put in Jail For Being in Contempt

Robert Duff

by Robert Duff in Politics News

Updated May 7, 2019 · 12:30 PM PDT

Donald Trump speech
Oddsmakers are laying odds that Congress won't succeed in obtaining US President Donald Trump's tax returns. Photo by Gage Skidmore (flickr) [CC License].
  • BookMaker is offering odds that Congress won’t legally obtain Donald Trump’s tax returns 
  • Monday, the US Treasury Department denied a request from Congress for those documents
  • House Democrats were studying legal options prior to deciding what step to take next

You don’t need to sit in the Senate or House of Representatives to recognize how taxing the actions of the Trump administration have been on Congress.

Every day, it seems, there’s a new battleground. Precedents no one in government ever considered possible are established with regularity.

The latest line drawn in the sand between the Trump administration and House Democrats was etched Monday. It’s over access to President Donald Trump’s tax returns. Congress requested documentation of Trump’s taxes for the past six years. He’s the first President since Watergate to decline to make his tax returns available.


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin informed Congress that his department could not lawfully fulfill that request. BookMaker is offering odds that Congress will never see a Trump tax return.

Will Congress Legally Obtain Any Trump Tax Return?

Will Congress Legally Obtain Any Trump Tax Return? Odds at BookMaker
Yes +200
No -270

*Odds taken 05/07/19

Mnuchin had already missed two deadlines to deliver Trump’s tax returns.

Trump’s Bully Pulpit

The irony was lost on no one Tuesday as First Lady Melania Trump celebrated the one-year anniversary of her Be Best campaign, designed in part to eliminate cyber bullying. The irony, of course, being that she lives in the White House with the biggest bully in America.

Trump thrives on attacking people on the internet. He pulls no punches. Trump willingly launches into personal attacks. He’s forever surrounded himself with shady characters who share his world view and who willingly do his bidding.

There are no norms or mores he appears to value. His moral compass comes without an indicator. He’s always operated with that M.O.

Why would anyone have expected sitting in the Oval Office would change this man?

The Trump Crime Family

Rule of law? What rule of law?

Boundaries, limitations, regulations – these mean nothing to the Trump administration. His staff doesn’t work for the country. They serve only him.

They lie, they cheat, they scam, they obstruct justice. Worst of all, they’re never required to pay for their actions. And BookMaker believes they won’t have to yet again.

Will Anyone From Trump Administration Be Put in Jail for Contempt?

Will Anyone From Trump Administration Be Jailed for Contempt? Odds at BookMaker
Yes +300
No -400

It’s nice to believe that justice will prevail. But this isn’t the Marvel Superhero Universe. It’s real life. It’s politics. In this game, the good guys rarely win.

The leaders of this gang almost never lose. Attorney General William Barr was issued a subpoena to appear before Congress. Barr didn’t bother to show up.

You try to skip out on a court appearance and see how long you’re still walking the streets. Yet Barr stays on the job. The Department of Justice is currently working all the legal angles to prevent access to Trump’s tax returns.

The Trump family is suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One to halt those financial institutions from responding to Congressional subpeonas for their bank records.

The amazing thing about this bunch is that they take all these illegal actions right out in the open. It’s in full view of the public.

And they get away with it. Just like they will here.

The only logical wagers here are no. If you bet yes on either of these props, then you really haven’t been paying attention since the 2016 election.

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