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Only One Democrat Is Favored to Beat Trump in Head-to-Head Election Odds and It’s … Andrew Yang?!

Robert Duff

By Robert Duff in Politics News

Updated: April 8, 2020 at 4:00 pm EDT


Andrew Yang walking
Oddsmakers are out with a series of prop wagers gauging how four of the top Democratic Presidential contenders would fare in the 2020 election against Donald Trump. Andrew Yang is the only one favored to beat Trump. Photo by Gage Skidmore (Flickr) [<a href="">CC License</a>].
  • In head-to-head prop wagers on the 2020 election, Andrew Yang is the only Democrat favored to beat Donald Trump
  • Yang is offered at odds of -150, compared to +110 odds on Trump
  • Bernie Sanders and the President are in dead heat, each at odds of -120

Is the Yang Gang about to gang up on Donald Trump and send the President packing from the White House?

Oddsmakers are  offering odds that insist Yang is the best bet if the Democrats want to dethrone Trump.

They released four prop wagers encompassing how four of the leading Democrat front runners for the 2020 Presidential Election odds would fare against Republican incumbent Trump.

Surprisingly, Yang, at odds of -150, is the only candidate favored to beat Trump in the election.

Democrats vs Donald Trump 2020 Presidential Election Odds

Outcome Trump Odds Democrat Odds
Donald Trump vs Bernie Sanders -120 -120
Donald Trump vs Joe Biden -150 +110
Donald Trump vs Elizabeth Warren -200 +150
Donald Trump vs Andrew Yang +110 -150

Odds taken Jan. 16th. Note: There is only action if matchup actually occurs.

Bernie Sanders and Trump are dead even, each with a betting line of -120.

Feel The Bernie

Fellow Democratic Presidential contender Elizabeth Warren called Sanders a liar. She claimed Sanders told her Americans wouldn’t elect a woman as President. He denied the allegation and the episode appears to have emboldened Sanders in the polls.

Some results now show him ahead in next month’s Iowa Caucus. Most put him second to Joe Biden in a close race.

According to, polls disagree with the odds when it comes to a potential Sanders-Trump showdown. On average, Sanders carries a 48-45 percentage edge over Trump in a Presidential election.

That’s based on data from six separate national polls on the election. Only the USA Today/Suffolk poll showed Trump winning (44-39) over Sanders.

Pick: Bernie Sanders (-120).

Below Average Joe?

Biden is still favored to be the Democratic Presidential nominee and ultimately go head-to-head with Trump in November.

YouTube video

On average, polls put Biden ahead of Trump 48.2-44.2. Again, the USA Today/Suffolk poll is the lone one leaning in Trump’s favor at 44-41.

But based on Trump’s determination to get dirt on Biden – a move the resulted in his impeachment – Biden’s the candidate Trump fears the most.

Pick: Joe Biden (+110).

Warren Fading Fast

Was Warren’s accusation against Sanders a last-gasp attempt to breathe life back into her rapidly-sinking Presidential hopes?

Ever since Warren moved to the top of the Democratic odds board in late August, the other leading contenders went into attack mode against her, with dramatic effect.

YouTube video

The public began questioning how her plans for such items as free university tuition and medicaid for all would be financed without dramatic tax increases.

Warren looks to be on fumes at this point. She’d be Trump’s dream opponent in the general election. He’d mock Warren with cries of Pocahontas over her claims of Native American heritage, Just imagine him brow beating her as a proponent of socialism, which Americans seem to fear as much as someone taking away their guns.

Pick: Donald Trump (-200).

Yang Ganging Up On Trump?

Yang is this election’s cycle version of Sanders from four years ago. He is the anti-establishment candidate. His plan for universal basic income is resonating with a certain percentage of the population, especially younger voters.

Could he really beat Trump, though? We’ll probably never know. Earlier this month, ranked Yang as #7 in the likelihood to win the Democratic nod.

Pick: Donald Trump (+110).

Robert Duff
Robert Duff

Sports Writer

An industry veteran, Bob literally taught the course on the history of sports at Elder College. He has worked as a Sports Columnist for Postmedia, appeared as a guest on several radio stations, was the Vice President of the Society For International Hockey Research in Ontario, and written 25 books.


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