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You Can Bet on the First & Last Person to Speak in Season 8 of Game of Thrones

Bryan Thiel

By Bryan Thiel in Entertainment

Updated: July 7, 2020 at 3:11 pm EDT


Jon Snow
Jon Snow is co-favored to speak first in Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Photo by HBO.
  • Game of Thrones‘ eighth and final season kicks off April 14th
  • In addition to death props, books are starting to come out with other Thrones-related bets
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As Season 8 of Game of Thrones inches closer and closer, more props pop up.

Deaths have been exhausted at this point, so oddsmakers are branching out. Today, we’re dealing with the opening and closing of Season 8.

Who Will Be the 1st Person to Speak in Game of Thrones Season 8?

First Character to Speak in Episode 1 Odds
Jon Snow +200
Tyrion Lannister +200
Cersei Lannister +275
Daenerys Targaryen +300
Sansa Stark +550
Arya Stark +600
Varys +1000
Bran Stark +1200
Jaime Lannister +1600
Samwell Tarly +2200
Bronn +2800

*Odds taken 04/04/2019

Today we’ll examine the favorites, and some longshots. There’s some good value there if you go off the board.

Previous History of Game of Thrones Dialogue

Season Who Spoke First Line? Who Spoke Last Line?
Season 1 Waymar Royce Jorah Mormont
Season 2 Joffrey Baratheon Samwell Tarly
Season 3 Samwell Tarly Daenerys Targaryen
Season 4 Jaime Lannister Braavosi Captain
Season 5 Melara Hetherspoon Olly
Season 6 Davos Seaworth Qyburn
Season 7 Arya Stark (as Walder Frey) Tormund Giantsbane

In exploring who opened past seasons, there aren’t a lot of heavy hitters. Waymar Royce was one of the first to die, while Melara was simply part of a flashback. There is potential that Season 8 follows a similar path.

Where Game of Thrones Key Players Last Left Off

Because of the…uh…situation we last left Jon and Daenerys in, there’s a good chance the season opens with those two. Or even with Tyrion reviewing the events.

But keep in mind that Bran and Sam just unearthed Jon’s true lineage. Both make for logical jumping off points.

And Bran and Sam could appear after another flashback through Jon’s lineage.

In either of these instances, Bran and Daenerys speak with purpose. Jon (+200) and Sam (+2200) are the bigger loudmouths. They’d be more likely to kick things off.

Is There Someone Else Worth Betting?

Both Season 3 and Season 6 picked up immediately where things left off.

Season 7 saw the Knight King take down wall. If we pick up right after that, it could be Sansa Stark (+550) receiving word of the events that kicks things off.

Who Will Be the Last Person to Speak in Game of Thrones Season 8?

Last Character to Speak in Series Odds
Jon Snow +200
Daenerys Targaryen +225
Bran Stark +300
Sansa Stark +500
Arya Stark +600
Tyrion Lannister +600
Cersei Lannister +800
Varys +1600
Jaime Lannister +1800
Bronn +2500
Samwell Tarly +2500

It’s interesting to see Daenerys Targaryen higher on these odds than the first person to speak in the season.

There are also a handful of characters with questionable futures on the list. We’ll try to weed out some of the more misleading bets.

Who Will Speak Game of Thrones’ Final Words?

Here’s where we can put some theories and prophecies to use.

Cersei Lannister knows she’s going to die. So do we. She’s not talking.

Three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love…

Daenerys has experienced two of her three treasons. The third is the one for love. Could it be betrayal from one she loves that takes her life? Or, could Jon Snow cure her infertility and give her a child? Death during childbirth could mean treason through love.

Storytellers Dominate Our Favorite Picks

Above all, the storytellers in Game of Thrones should have the final word.

We’re thinking Tyrion (+600) or Varys (+1600). Both longshots, but both concerned with passing on stories of triumph and failure.

But what about the man with the longest odds?

That’s right, Samwell Tarly (+2500). My favorite theory is that Sam, who has a vast library of knowledge at his fingertips, is not only one of the more important characters, but the one recounting the events as well. It’s one that actor John Bradley, who plays Sam, seems to like.

It’s rare we get a reason to go with the longest odds on the board. There’s a lot of evidence to make a play on Tarly.

Our Other Game of Thrones Season 8 Coverage:

Bryan Thiel
Bryan Thiel

Sports Writer

Bryan has spent the last decade working in the sports industry. From the sidelines in the OHL and Rugby League to behind the scenes at TSN, Bryan has a wealth of experience with a soft spot for props and parlays.


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