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Odds Say Rhaegal Will Be First Dragon to Perish in Season 8 of Game of Thrones

JJ De La Torre

By JJ De La Torre in Entertainment

Updated: April 2, 2020 at 3:22 pm EDT


Odds suggest Drogon is likely to be the last dragon killed off in this season of Game of Thrones. Photo by HBO.
  • On April 14th, Game of Thrones returns after a long break in between seasons
  • This season is the show’s last, and plans are to wrap up the stories of George RR Martin’s characters in only eight episodes
  • Devout fans of the show have their eyes on Daenerys Targaryen’s den of dragons and their impending mortality

Oh my goodness, is it April 14th yet? It feels like these last few weeks leading up to the final season of Game of Thrones are just crawling by.

But the time is almost here, fear not! Grab your snacks, a family-sized box of tissues, and get ready to see characters you’ve followed for the better part of a decade all be killed off!

As we spend these final moments waiting to be swept away to Westeros, each little detail and every single plotline feels imperative. So it makes sense that, even though it’s been hemmed and hawed over which human characters are going to live or die, we’re now thinking of their scale-skinned friends.

First Dragon to Perish in Game of Thrones Season 8

First Dragon to Perish in Game of Thrones Odds
Rhaegal +100
Undead Viserion +175
Drogon +200

*Odds taken 04/04/19

Just because a dragon is outfitted in tough-as-nails reptilian armor and has the ability to breathe fire doesn’t mean they’re safe from harm. At least, not in the world of Game of Thrones.

If last season’s story arc featuring VIserion taught fans anything, it’s the reminder that life is fleeting.

If last season’s story arc featuring VIserion taught fans anything, it’s just how delicate the life of a dragon can be despite their monstrous size. Sure, Viserion lives on in a new form, but the reminder of life being fleeting is still poignant.

In Game of Thrones, life and death are literally the only things that matters. Survival is key, even for a dragon.

Mother of Survivors

Traditionally, the penultimate dragons on Game of Thrones have unarguably been those of fan-favorite character Daenerys Targaryen (played by Emilia Clarke). Her trio of beauties have not just been loyal friends, but strategically convenient companions.

When heading into battle with Jaime Lannister, it seemed Targaryen and her crew had nothing to fear, but that was not true given Viserion’s fate and subsequent transition into a Wight mount.

Now that her herd has been shaken, speculation is falling on the dragons’ respective fates more than ever.

Not Long to Wait

It won’t be long before we find out who survives to the final curtain call on this fascinating series. But you can bet in this short season, HBO will be giving fans some bang for their buck.

In this short season, HBO will be giving fans some bang for their buck.

Considering Viserion’s previous spin around the Grim Reaper’s ax, it would be too redundant to see a repeat slaying here. It’s definite that it’ll be Rhaegal or Drogon to go first.

But Rhaegal is the weaker of the two, physically. Drogon packs more of a punch in a fight, and for that, he’ll survive a touch longer.

Pick: Rhaegal (+100)

Our Other Game of Thrones Season 8 Coverage:

JJ De La Torre
JJ De La Torre

Entertainment Writer

As an active entertainment aficionado, the former Editor-in-Chief for the Capilano Courier, JJ also co-founded Lords of Dogwood, a Vancouver-based entertainment site in 2013. His writing has been found in ION Magazine, the North Shore News, and The Strand.


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